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Christopher D. Cooper,
At heart, I am a storyteller. I have always held a deep appreciation for how narratives have the power to mold and shape our values, beliefs, and behaviors. The stories we tell about ourselves can quickly become our reality –and that reality can either be imprisoning or liberating.
Prior to becoming a psychoanalyst, I was an advertising executive. So, I understand first-hand the stresses and strains of the working world. I completed my graduate studies at Columbia University and clinical training at the C.G. Jung Institute of New York.
I work with individuals who suffer a range of problems, including: anxiety, depression, dissociation and trauma. I also lecture and teach on the effects of culture on behavior, cognition, and emotion.
Jungian Analysis
Jungian Analysis is the psychotherapeutic approach pioneered by Swiss psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology, Carl Gustav Jung. What distinguishes Jungian Analysis from other psychoanalytic approaches to therapy is the attention given to the unconscious as a source of wisdom, vitality and creativity. Rather than seeking the sources of suffering solely in the past, symptoms are recast as clarion calls issued from the depths of the Self pointing to what is needed for psychological growth.
Establishing a balanced and enduring relationship between consciousness and the unconscious helps invigorate the personality and awaken a capacity to open to a deeper and more meaningful relationship with the Self and the world.
In Jungian analysis, the symbolic expressions of the psyche are what build the bridge between disparate aspects of being –conscious and unconscious; thinking and feeling; mind and body. Engagement with symbolic content through dreams, active imagination, art, sand play and other expressive modalities are essential to the therapeutic process.
Because of the depth, rigor and demands of this therapeutic process, Jungian Analysts undergo more extensive education and clinical training than most mental health professionals, including engaging in their own personal analysis. Only clinicians who are certified by a training institute approved by the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) may call themselves Jungian analysts. To date, there are approximately only 3000 Jungian Analysts in practice around the world.

My Approach
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